The Headland's Contributions

The Headland is committed to ongoing support to local charities and initiatives.

Find more information on how you can apply for one of The Headland’s Donations with the Cornwall Community Foundation at Cornwall Community Foundation

Find a list below of our up to date contributions:

Newquay DISC

At the cost of £1,000, in December 2019, The Headland contributed to costs for collection and redistribution of excess food from local supermarkets. This aimed to end poverty within Newquay.

Newquay Foodbank

With £4,486, Newquay Foodbank used The Headland’s donations in December 2019 to purchase branded clothing for volunteers, fund community presence and respond emergency needs which helped combat zero hunger initiatives.

Newquay Youth Club

In December 2019, a £1,836 donation was used to employ youth workers and contribute to good health and wellbeing amongst the team.

NCC Turnaround Project

A kind donation of £1,300 by the Headland in December 2019 was used by the NCC Turnaround Project to fund therapy dogs for residents, which aided in good health and well-being.

Urban Biodiversity CIC

With £1,000 donated in 2021, good health and well-being was boosted within the Urban Biodiversity CIC by the ability to create a new volunteer hub at Newquay Orchard!

The Clothes Horse

An outstanding donation by the Headland of £2,000 in October 2021 enabled the funds for a new play area and seating for children.

Newquay Youth Club

With £2,100 donated by The Headland in October 2021, Newquay Youth Club was able to support volunteers working on the streets to encourage youth to attend sessions focussing on mental well-being, careers and team work.

Newquay Cormorants Swimming Club

The Headland donated £997.00 to Newquay Cormorants Swimming Club in October 2021 which subsidised swimming hours and a competition for all club members.

Newquay Cricket Club

The donation of £3,045 in October 2021 allowed Newquay Cricket club to replace their pitch mower. This club contributes to the health and well-being of participants in the community.