Things to Do in Newquay Harbour
The picturesque heart of the port, Newquay Harbour is a must visit any time of year. With its small clean beach, great for running the dog, a restaurant by the sand, and pubs and cafes overlooking, it’s a great place to while away a few hours watching the fishing boats come in while you enjoy a drink and a bite.
Dolphin spotting, sightseeing & fishing trips
Check the quayside noticeboards for outings that run regularly from the harbour. Look out for the ‘safaris’ which head off in search of dolphins, seals and if you’re lucky basking sharks and sunfish.
Newquay Lifeboat Day
See the lifeboats on exercise, including an appearance by the air-sea rescue helicopter.
Harbour Sports Say
A thrillseeker's extravaganza on the water: think speedboats, jet skis, wakeboarding and water skiing.
Gig racing
A very Cornish sport, with a long history here. Gigs were traditionally used to ferry pilots to waiting boats. They competed against each other to see who could get there first, the winner getting the prize of a contract. Nowadays, the custom is recreated in traditional 6-oar, 10-metre boats in gruelling races. There’s no money in it any more, but the rivalry’s just as intense. For details, Newquay Rowing Club has a full program of pilot gig racing events.
Look out for Sammy!
The harbour is home to ‘Sammy’ the seal, resident for many years. Watch closely as the fishing boats come in. He follows them as they return with their catch, hoping for, and usually getting, a piece of the action.